Spence-McCord Recipe Box
James McCord founded the James McCord Drug Company in 1864. In January 1905, just six weeks after McCord’s death, the company merged with the only other wholesale druggist in La Crosse, T.H. Spence Drug Co., which was founded in 1874 to form the Spence-McCord Drug Company. The newly merged company moved into the former T. H. Spence Drug Company building. In 1937, Spence-McCord Drug Company moved into the old Joseph B. Funke Company building on the northeast corner of Front and State streets. In 1963, Spence-McCord made their final move to Miller Street and remained there until 1973.
This recipe box was saved as a memento by an employee at the time of Spence-McCord's closing. Some of these recipe cards were made for particular doctors, businesses, and even patients.
Click on any recipe card to view larger. Please do not try these recipes at home.